Monday, September 24, 2007

Saving Plan for buying a new PC.

My PC is more than 3 years old now. It started to have all sorts of problems. I really need to save some money for this. Reducing the number of times dinning out and bus to work everyday.


White Charcoal said...

Your computer is THREE years old!? You have nothing to worry about. My main computer is TEN years old this Christmas. It still has valves and belts.
By the way Michael, there is only one "d" in dining. And thanks for commenting on my overweight kids blog. WC.

Michael Leung said...

thank you very much for correcting my spelling mistake.

White Charcoal said...

Hi Michael. What do you mean by "Mars Bars not being good for human consumption"? I am a long distance walker and I SWEAR by them. My staple diet when walking is Mars Bars and Guinness (I have managed to spell it right this time). Mind you, it makes my poo black.

Your english is fine. I didn't intend to be rude when correcting that spelling mistake, I just thought that you wouldn't want to go through life spelling it wrong. Though, of course, it may just have been a typo.


White Charcoal said...

Hi Michael! I can't believe that I wrote; "there is only one "d" in dining." What I meant to write was: there is only one "n" in dining. Forgive me please.I must bemy age. Tony UK.

Michael Leung said...

that's alright.
I know that is "n", not "d"